Quantum chemical calculations of lupeol (C30H50O) isolated from the ethyl acetate leaf extracts of Justicia Secunda


  • B. Bako Computational, Astrochemistry and Bio-simulation Research Group, Federal University Wukari, Wukari, Nigeria
  • E. E. Etim Computational, Astrochemistry and Bio-simulation Research Group, Federal University Wukari, Wukari, Nigeria
  • J. P. Shinggu Computational, Astrochemistry and Bio-simulation Research Group, Federal University Wukari, Wukari, Nigeria
  • S. S. Humphrey Computational, Astrochemistry and Bio-simulation Research Group, Federal University Wukari, Wukari, Nigeria
  • L. J. Moses Computational, Astrochemistry and Bio-simulation Research Group, Federal University Wukari, Wukari, Nigeria
  • M. E. Khan Department of Chemistry, Federal University Lokoja, Kogi, Nigeri


Justicia secunda, Lupeol, Quantum chemical Calculations


The discovery of lupeol, a triterpenoid compound (C30H50O), in the ethyl acetate leaf extract of Justicia secunda (Blood root), has opened doors to extensive research and development opportunities in natural product-based pharmaceuticals. Lupeol’s versatile pharmacological properties, including anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic, and antiviral effects, make it a compelling candidate for drug development. To fully harness its potential, a comprehensive understanding of lupeol’s structural and chemical attributes is crucial. Through quantum chemical calculations using the GAUSSIAN 09 suite of programs, we determined the optimized geometry, IR frequencies, bond distances (R), bond angles (A), dipole moments, HOMO-LUMO and other molecular parameters for this solitary molecule. The remarkable accuracy and reliability of computational techniques in predicting the properties of systems and reactants are evident in the consistently favorable results. A strong concordance and consistency between the experimental and computational outcomes further reinforces the credibility of our findings. This study offers a means to explore lupeol’s molecular behavior, providing insights that can guide future drug development efforts rooted in this promising natural compound.


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Graphical Abstract



How to Cite

Quantum chemical calculations of lupeol (C30H50O) isolated from the ethyl acetate leaf extracts of Justicia Secunda. (2024). Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 6(3), 1995. https://doi.org/10.46481/jnsps.2024.1995




How to Cite

Quantum chemical calculations of lupeol (C30H50O) isolated from the ethyl acetate leaf extracts of Justicia Secunda. (2024). Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 6(3), 1995. https://doi.org/10.46481/jnsps.2024.1995