3rd Int. Conf. of NSPS to be held @ FUOye, Ekiti State, Nigeria
on # Feb. 3-7, 2025
2025 PhD Thesis Prize Winners
deadline #EventCeremony Feb. 4, 2025
On behalf of the Editorial Team and Reviewers, I have the great pleasure of presenting this volume 4, issue 4, of the Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences (JNSPS) to the research community and the world at large, comprising those seeking to publish their works and those who wish to keep up with the latest findings in their areas of research.
This current edition includes 24 articles by authors from nine different countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Iraq, India, Gambia, the UK, Morocco, and Malaysia. The papers included in this issue are in the areas of nanoparticles, magnetic helicity, biomass combustion, environmental chemistry, numerical analysis, geometric function theory, material chemistry, ionospheric physics, forecasting and data analysis, soft computing techniques, cryptography, matrix theory, and database management.
It has been observed that despite the giant strides made in the detection and prevention of SQLiAs by several researchers, an ideal approach is still far from over as most existing techniques still require improvement, especially in the area of addressing the weak characterization of input vectors, which often leads to low prediction accuracy. To deal with this concern, Shehu Magawata Shagari and co-researchers put forward a hybrid optimized Logistic Regression (LR) model with Improved Term Frequency Inverse Document-Frequency (ITFIDF-LR). To show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, attack datasets are used and evaluated using selected performance metrics, i.e., accuracy, recall, specificity, and false-positive rate.
In another interesting report by Oluwasina et al., it was found that anacardic acid holds potential for the preparation of some nanosized cellulose. The study by El Mehdi Chouit in the area of forecasting and data analysis and co-researchers shows that the FBProphet model is more accurate in predicting the prevalence of COVID-19. It can help guide the government's efforts to prevent the virus' spread. The interesting results presented in this issue are not limited to these. Others can be found there, in the arches.
In general, researchers and practitioners working in related fields, as well as the general public interested in physical sciences, would be interested in this issue.
Babatunde James Falaye
Department of Physics,Federal University of Lafia,
Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Editor-in-Chief, JNSPS
Volume 4, Issue 3, Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences (JNSPS)
On behalf of the Editorial Team and Reviewers, I have the great pleasure of presenting this volume 4, issue 3 of the Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences (JNSPS) to the research community and the world at large, comprising those seeking to publish their works and those who wish to keep up with the latest findings in their areas of research.
This current edition includes 23 articles by authors from eight different countries: Nigeria, Malaysia, India, UK, Oman, Iraq, Pakistan, Botswana. The papers included in this issue are in the areas of atmospheric physics, nuclear physics, computational mathematics, numerical analysis, atmospheric and environmental physical chemistry, multicollinearity, machine learning, material science, mathematical modelling, graph theory, and distribution.
Some of the useful investigations conducted therein contribute to a fundamental understanding of the effect of graphene materials (GRMs) on the optoelectronic properties of perovskite solar cells (PSCs), and it confirms the promising prospects of achieving low-cost, efficient, and stable PSCs for commercialization with graphene materials. Other findings were found to be useful in providing a perception of the treatment caused by excessive consumption of fatty foods, thereby lowering the risk of cancer, hypertension, and many heart-related diseases. Another study also found that the synthesized ZnO nanoparticles provide antimicrobial efficacy against clinical strains of Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as against standard strains of Escherichia coli. Several fields, including cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, can benefit from biosynthesized nanoparticles.
In general, this issue would be of interest to researchers and practitioners working in related fields, as well as the general public interested in physical sciences.
Babatunde James Falaye
Department of Physics, Federal University of Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Editor-in-Chief, JNSPS
Excellent news that I am very happy to share with our readers is the ranking of our journal by Scientific Journal Rankings (SJR) as Q4 (SJR : 0.15, Link: https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21101044730&tip=sid&clean=0). Undoubtedly, in the coming years, we will witness more growth in the quality and reputation of our journal. This achievement is the result of the great work of our editorial team, who are constantly working on its improvement. I would like to congratulate our reviewers and, most importantly, our authors and readers on this new achievement and thank them for their constant effort devoted to the journal.
This current edition includes 16 articles by authors from six different countries: Namibia, South Africa, Morocco, India, Nigeria, Hungary. The papers included in this issue are in the areas of Engineering Geology,Green ICT, Software solution, Fuzzy Mathematics, Environmental analytical Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences, Quantum physics, Multivariate Analysis, Radiation and medical Physics and Computational Statistics.
Some interesting results therein will enhance clean industrial process in the textile industry and also promote sustainable cities and communities through responsible consumption and production as highlighted by sustainable development goals (SDG) 11 and 12.
This issue would be useful to researchers and practitioners working in the related areas and as well to the public interested in physical sciences.
Dr. Babatunde James Falaye
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences
Indexing : Scopus, DOAJ, etc
The Editor in Chief, on behalf of the Editorial Team and Reviewers, has great pleasure in presenting this volume 4, issue 1 of the Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences (JNSPS), to the research community and the world at large, comprising those seeking to publish their works and those who wish to keep up with the latest findings in their areas of research.
This current edition includes 20 articles by authors from five different countries: Nigeria, UK, Oman, Malaysia, and India. The papers included in this issue are in the areas of minerals engineering, glass technology, biodiesel production, nanotechnology, mathematical sciences, and bio statistics.
This issue would be useful to researchers and practitioners working in the related areas and as well to the public interested in physical sciences.
Dr. Babatunde James Falaye
Department of Physics, Federal University of Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Editor-in-Chief, JNSPS
3rd Int. Conf. of NSPS to be held @ FUOye, Ekiti State, Nigeria
2025 PhD Thesis Prize Winners
Here is the compiled list of Frequently Asked Questions.
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