Prompt Response Function (PRF) of Lifetime Measurement in the 2+ State of 192Os Nuclei Energy Levels from Triple-Gamma Coincidence Techniques
Prompt response, Full width at half maximum, Lifetime, ScintillatorsAbstract
The effective prompt response function full width at half maximum, PRF FWHM of 637 ps (obtained from the prompt gamma pairs of 477 keV and 700 keV associated with the yrast 2+ state in 206Po), and 1007 ps (obtained from the Compton gamma pairs of 189 keV and 237 keV associated with the 192Os(18O,16O)194Os 2 neutron transfer reaction) were used in fitting the time difference spectra obtained from the gamma coincident pairs
of 206 keV and 374 keV in a symmetrised LaBr3(Ce) associated with the gamma transitions in 192Os, using the Half-life program. The values of half-life measured by fitting these PRF FWHM of 637 ps and 1007 ps separately show an excellent agreement of 282(16) ps and 272(21) ps, respectively, which correspond to the global half-life value of 282(4) ps for the 192Os. The mean value of 277(12) ps from these two measurements was used in calculating the B(E2; IL ->IL-2) of 4233(114) e2fm4, which is equivalent to be 81(19) W.u.