Numerical Simulation of Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide Solar Cells Using One Dimensional SCAPS Software
SCAPs,, CIGS,, Multivalent defect,, buffer layer,, absorber,Abstract
The effect of multivalent defect density, thickness of absorber and buffer layer thickness on the performance of CIGS solar cells were investigated systematically. The study was carried out using Solar Cells Capacitance Simulator (SCAPS) code, which is capable of solving the basic semiconductor equations. Employing numerical modelling, a solar cell with the structure Al|ZnO : Al|In2S3|CIGS|Pt was simulated and in it, a double acceptor defect (-2/-1/0) with a density of 1014 cm-3 was set in the absorber in the first instance. This initial device gave a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 25.85 %, short circuit current density (Jsc) of 37.9576 mAcm-2, Photovoltage (Voc) of 0.7992 V and fill factor (FF) of 85.22 %. When the density of multivalent defect (-2/-1/0) was varied between 1010 cm-3 and 1017 cm-3 the solar cells performance dropped from 26.81 % to 16.87 %. The champion device was with multivalent defect of 1010 cm-3 which shows an enhancement of 3.71 % from the pristine device. On varying the CIGS layer thickness from 0.4 um to 3.6 um, an increase in PCE was observed from 0.4 um to 1.2 um then the PCE began to decrease beyond a thickness of 1.2 um. The best PCE was recorded with thickness of 1.2 um which gave Jsc of 37.7506 mAcm-2, Voc of 0.8059 V, FF of 85.2655 %. On varying the In2S3 (buffer) layer thickness from 0.01 um to 0.08 um, we observed that there was no significant change in photovoltaic parameters of the solar cells as buffer layer thickness increased.

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